Poezja, osiedle, winda.
Presentation of various projects.
To create a virtual block of flat’s community, which would connect people through their creativity and experience when it comes to words and images. Contribute to create a poetic event in the virtual space.
To use the idea of riding the elevator to move around the interface.
A graphic, which is associated with moving in a block of flats, concrete, pictograms of staircases.

The core of the project are the poems from the book of poems, which was the first stage of the entire project. The book of poems In the shade of humming elevators, besides the poems themselves, contains also a CD with a poetic game with different interpretations of poems created by invited artists.
Some interpretations were put on the website. They are the initial basis for the further development of the website www.windyproject.pl
Anyone who wants to create their own interpretation of a poem or an interpretation of an already made interpretation can do so in whatever technique they like after logging in to the website.

On the website you can can move up and down the elevator through the menu and enter a chosen room by clicking on it. If the menu has a few levels, you just have to switch one elevator after another, until you get into your chosen room.



